Galawezh – Community Connector
Galawezh moved to New Zealand in 1998 and accessed support from CRS as client. Since 2004, has been an employee of CRS in a variety of roles. She has worked as a Partnership Community Worker (PCW), a Social Worker and a Social Worker Assistant. She is currently working as a Community Connector. In this role, Galawezh helps clients access various services, including helping clients who are in isolation due to Covid-19.
Galawezh says she has a passion for helping people. “It’s part of my personality, wanting to help other people.” She says. For her, the main highlight of working for CRS is being able to help people who have had similar experiences to her as a refugee.
As a client, Galawezh says that CRS was the best place her family could have gone to access support when they arrived in New Zealand. She says CRS was “very supportive and very accessible. It’s like an open door, you could go and ask for help and get support.”
Galawezh says “we have to congratulate CRS for the job they have done.” She says staff at CRS give support “without looking to get anything back.” She says that CRS “hold their hand until they are ready to stand up on their feet.”