Canterbury Refugee Resettlement and Resource Centre (CRRRC)
- Contact: Ahmed Tani (Chairperson)
- 39 Nursery Road, Phillipstown
- (03) 377 2544
- cantyrefugeecouncil@gmail.com
- http://www.canterburyrefugeecentre.org.nz/

Christchurch Resettlement Services
- Contact: Shirley Wright (General Manager)
- Level 1, 283 Lincoln Road, Addington
- (03) 335 0311
- admin@crs.org.nz
- http://www.crs.org.nz/

Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu Refugee and Migrant Sector Advocate
- Contact: Sally Pitama
- 021 803 365
- sally.pitama@xtra.co.nz

Health and Disability Advocacy Service
- Contact: Shah Wali Atayee (Specialist Refugee/Migrant Advocate)
- (03) 377 7501
- shahwalia@hdc.org.nz
- http://www.hdc.org.nz/

Oranga Tamariki — Ministry for Children
- Contact:
- https://www.orangatamariki.govt.nz/

Community Associations and Churches
- Listed on CINCH – Browse A-Z for ethnicity/language
- www.christchurchlibraries.com/Cinch

PYLAT (Pacific Youth Leadership and Transformation)
- Contact: Josiah Tualamali’i (Council Chair)
- 027 872 6479
- jttuala@gmail.com
- Facebook: /PYLATCOUNCIL1

Ministry of Education
- Contact: Elizabeth Hamilton (Senior Advisor, South Island, Migrant and Refugee Education Support)
- 48 Hereford Street, Christchurch 8013
- (03) 378 7728
- Elizabeth.hamilton@education.govt.nz
- http://www.education.govt.nz/

Hagley Community College
- Contact: Anne Galloway (Diversity Services Manager)
(03) 379 3090 ext 810 - Contact: Rachel Lin (English Language Learning)
(03) 379 3090 ext 814 / ext 837 - 510 Hagley Ave, Christchurch 8013
- Anne.Galloway@staff.hagely.school.nz
- http://www.hagley.school.nz/

Christchurch City Council
- Contact: Appleby Phillips
- 53 Hereford Street, Christchurch 8013
- (03) 941 5408
- Clair.appelbyphilips@ccc.govt.nz
- http://www.ccc.govt.nz/

Ara Institute of Canterbury
- Contact: Millan Gurung (Student Advisor, Refugee, Migrant + International Students)
- City Campus, 130 Madras Street, Christchurch 8013
- (03) 940 7565
- millan.gurung@ara.ac.nz
- http://www.ara.ac.nz/

Piki Te Ora Health Centre
- Contact: Sahra Ahmed (Refugee Nurse)
- 201 Linwood Ave, Linwood 8011
- (03) 381 8048
- sahra@uchc.org.nz
- http://www.Piki Te Ora Health Centre

Pegasus Health
- Contact: Sahra Ahmed (Refugee Health Service Team Lead)
- 401 Madras Street, Christchurch 8013
- (03) 375 7136
- Sahra.Ahmed@pegasus.org.nz
- http://www.pegasus.org.nz/

Interpreting New Zealand (Canterbury Branch)
- Contact: Maria Fresia
- Christchurch Multicultural Recreation Community Centre, 455 Hagley Avenue
- (03) 372 9311
- maria.fresia@interpret.org.nz
- http://www.interpret.org.nz/
- Phone 0508 468 377 to book an interpreter

English Language Partners Christchurch
- Contact: Cheryl Jackson (Manager)
- 334 Manchester StreetChristchurch Central City, Christchurch 8013
- Cheryl.jackson@englishlanguag.org.nz
- https://www.englishlanguage.org.nz/christchurch/

Office of Ethnic Communities
- Contact: Deborah Lam (Senior Diversity and Engagement Advisor)
- 027 279 5924
- deborah.lam@dia.govt.nz
- http://www.dia.govt.nz/

Human Rights Commission
- Request Human Right Specialist – Race Relations
- 0800 496 877 (toll free)
- TXT: 021 023 64253
- Fax: (09) 377 3593 (with Attn: Christchurch)
- infoline@hrc.co.nz
- http://www.hrc.co.nz/

Wilkinson’s English Language School
- Contact: Victoria McFadden (Coordinator)
- (03) 335 0916
- info@wels.ac.nz
- http://www.wels.cornellgroup.nz

Oak Development Trust

Christchurch Multicultural Council
- Contact: Surinder Tandon (President)
- (03) 325 3114 / 021 295 1089
- surindertandon@gmail.com
- http://www.multiculturalnz.org.nz

Canterbury New Zealand Business Association
- Contact: Taz Mukorombindo (CEO)
- (03) 379 4222 / 027 273 8815
- taz@canterburybusiness.org.nz
- http://www.cbanewzealand.org.nz

Deaf Aotearoa NZ
- Contact: Joyce Stokell (Service Coordinator)
- 0800 332 322 / 021 677 403
- joyce.stokell@deaf.org.nz
- http://www.deaf.org.nz/

Shakti Ethnic Women’s Support Group
- (03) 389 2028 / 0800 742 584
- sewsg@shakti.org.nz
- http://www.shakti.org.nz

Plains FM 96.9
- Contact: Nikki Reece (Station Manager)
- (03) 365 7997
- nicki@plainsfm.org.nz
- http://www.plainsfm.org.nz

Skills Connect Canterbury
- Canterbury Employers Chamber of Commerce
- 57 Kilmore St, Christchurch 8013
- http://www.cecc.org.nz

NZ Police
- Contact:
- http://www.police.govt.nz

CCS Disability Action
- Contact: Prudence Walker (Regional Coordinator)
- (03) 741 3292 ext 3143 / 021 779 725
- prudence.walker@ccsdisabilityaction.org.nz
- http://www.ccsdisabilityaction.org.nz

Citizens Advice Bureau
- Contact: Kate Verypportan
- http://www.cab.org.nz

Delta Community Support Trust
- Contact:
- (03) 389 0219
- http://www.deltatrust.org.nz

NZ Red Cross
- Contact: Pooja Thakkar (Pathways To Employment)
- (03) 339 3750
- pooja.thakkar@redcross.org.nz
- http://www.redcross.org.nz

PEETO – The Multicultural Learning Centre
- 20 Twigger St, Addington 8024
- (03) 343 2890
- info@peeto.ac.nz
- http://www.peeto.ac.nz/