Peter – Mental Health Team Leader (Former)
Peter first joined the CRS team in 2000 as a Social Worker, predominantly assisting asylum seekers. He worked with CRS for five years before leaving to pursue other work, returning again in September 2019 as a Mosque Mental Health Social Worker, supporting people affected by the March 15th attacks. He became team leader in January 2020. He has worked closely alongside Muslim men, supporting them in their mental health journeys. Peter left CRS in April 2022.
Highlights for Peter include working with a wide variety of people from different cultural backgrounds. Peter has also involved the flexible working environment.
When thinking about the agency’s anniversary, Peter remembers CRS’ early years in a much smaller space with much smaller numbers. “When I first started, I was squashed into a triangular corner section with very few staff.” He reflects on how much the organisation has grown since then, both in space and numbers, but also in the work that CRS does. “It’s been good to see CRS expanding into a number of different areas to meet the needs of the community.”
Peter says that despite its expansion and changes over the years, CRS has always had the interests of communities that it represents at the forefront of its mind. “I think that’s the main thing that’s come through over the years, is that CRS is always involved in work to try and help the communities, it’s not just an expansion for its own sake or to create more funding, it’s always got an aim in mind to help the ethnic communities which has been really good.”