Podcast on “Wearing the hijab”

CRS Board member Sally Carlton hosts a human rights radio show/podcast called Speak Up-Kōrerotia, which airs on Plains FM 96.9. One recent show looked at “Wearing the hijab” with Christchurch hijabis Denise Jaeger, Dr Hafsa Ahmed, Sondos Quraan and Qaali Mohamed (a Bilingual Community Worker and Health Information Provider at CRS).
The conversation was honest, powerful and touching, and provides a fantastic insight into why these four Muslim women choose to wear the hijab.
Some keywords from the conversation, which give a sense of its depth and breadth, are:
Identity – Allah – Oppression – Empowerment – Modesty – Role model – Discrimination – Personal choice – Fashion – Respect.
Have a listen or read the transcript.
The audio and transcripts of all Speak Up-Kōrerotia shows are available.
The show host can be contacted at speakupkorerotia@gmail.com.